Are All Oracle Decks Fluffy?

Breyanna Wilson
4 min readJan 17, 2021

As of this date, oracle decks are my favorite form of divination. A form of art that details the psyche and paths of all who are willing to listen. Around the internet, I’ve seen people express that they do not resonate well with oracle cards. I assume this is because they have a reputation of not being able to give nuanced answers like Tarot. And that’s fine if that’s you. Just know that if you genuinely want to get an oracle deck, there are so many choices that eventually, you’ll find something,


Are all oracle decks fluffy? And by fluffy, I mean sweet, optimistic, lacking matter, and (honestly) generic?

The quick answer is: no.

The long answer: very much, no.

I understand these people’s sentiments. Tarot lends itself to more in-depth answers, and because Tarot tells a story, it’s easier to apply the cards to life situations. Oracle cards, by their systematic nature, do not have a consistent structure. So getting to a more profound answer can be trickier if you’re not used to thinking intuitively.

Oracle decks are much more apt for dealing with energies and themes for the week. But I think a lot of people in the card reading community sell oracle cards short. They seem to believe that all oracle decks will be angel cards and have inspiring messages and nothing of substance.

I’m calling bullcrap on that one.

And you know what? I don’t resonate with the super “love and light” type of decks either. Most decks that I own are somewhat unconventional, or they’re an indie deck and not well known. I know my intuitive style enough at this point that if a deck doesn’t resonate with me in a certain way, I know it won’t work for me. When I pick out a deck, it has to feel right for me.

If you scroll Amazon for oracle decks, you will find that many of them seem very… alike. They all follow a trend. And that makes sense since most decks on Amazon are mainstream. For the decks that gave me substance and meaning, I usually found them on Kickstarter, Etsy, or indie shops.

The decks on Amazon aren’t necessarily bad either. They’re just not what I’m looking for in a deck. Any substance they hold contributes to the lightworker, “everything is great!” mindset that runs throughout the spiritual community. Something that only speaks to one side of the human experience, a more idealized human experience. I much more prefer a deck with more nuance and balance in the cards, a deck that helps me go deep. I want my cards to be a reflection of who I am, something that speaks to my heart.

Sometimes, I want a deck that’s going to keep me in check. And yes, I believe that decks can have an individual “personality” and give different answers based on that “personality” and their style.

A huge problem with the perception of oracle decks is that people see them as merely positive, so they think that oracle decks cannot be as impactful as tarot decks can. Again, that’s BS. Almost all of the decks I have a light and dark side to them. The cards present us with information. It is up to us how we interpret it.

Not all oracle decks are created equal. None are. The beauty of oracle decks is that they can be ten cards 0r 80 cards. They can have a theme or not. And I LOVE that free-flowing aspect of them.

I cannot emphasize enough that oracle decks do not just come in the sweet, angelic, surface-level answers they sometimes get a rep for. Some of my most profound readings have come from oracle decks. So, the next time you’re shopping for a deck, keep an open mind. It’s those decks that looked super weird that have been crucial and so helpful for me.

So how can you avoid making the mistake I’ve done plenty of times and buying a deck that’s just going to collect dust?

To make sure I get a deck I love and not one that will bore me to tears, I make sure the deck has an art style I like. Seriously, if the art/design is not appealing, you’re not going to want to stare at it, are you? Second, I check in with my intuition and ask if this is the deck for me right now. There are plenty of reasons why this deck may not be for you. The imagery may not be your preference, or the colors may be jarring, or something else.

All of this is to say that your intuition can help you make this decision because some decks are an investment. A worthwhile one? Sure. But, if you’re going to hash out $45+ on one deck, let’s make it worth it, ok?

I hope this information helps you the next time you’re looking for a deck! There are so many decks to choose from. Happy shopping!



Breyanna Wilson

Have you ever felt that you had to figure out life yourself? We’re meant to traverse life together. Find my thoughts, tarot tips and more here.