Breyanna Wilson
3 min readFeb 22, 2021


So now, you’ve bought your first tarot deck. You shuffle the cards and lay them down, and just start staring.

You didn’t think of a question!

Wait, were you supposed to have a question?

My answer: sometimes.

There are many questions you can ask your tarot or oracle cards, but there is an art to crafting that question. And if you don’t word the question correctly, your tarot reading may not be as accurate.

One thing to know about me: I don’t read Tarot to predict the future, at least not future events. All those future love readings and what my husband will look like readings just aren’t for me.

I usually ask the cards for advice about a situation or to communicate with my spirit team. I talk about my approach to Tarot here.

When we approach Tarot as a way to predict the future, we’re giving our power away. Let me explain. If the Tarot can predict our future and there’s nothing we can do to change that, then Tarot is more powerful than us (or some outside force controlling things).

So, instead of predicting my next ten years, I read Tarot in a micro sense. I look at what energies are around me, and I look at my current situation. From there, I ask Tarot questions that can help me navigate or understand my circumstances better.

I turn to Tarot for advice, not directing my life.

When we sit down for a reading, it’s important to remember that we are coming into a conversation. Now, this can be with our higher self, our spirit guides, or even our ancestors. The point is that when we try to approach Tarot as something more knowledgeable than us, it’s really disempowering.

The other thing to note is that Tarot is not set in stone. If you’re giving yourself or someone a reading, and a scary card pops out (like the Devil or 10 of Swords), please don’t start spinning. You hold all the power in your life. If you get a reading you don’t like, just ask, “What can I do to improve this situation?”

If you take nothing else from this, remember: You hold all the power in your life. You are magnificent and powerful.

So, how do I formulate the super bombastic questions that help me give spectacular readings? Wait for it…

I leave them open-ended.

Yep! I don’t pull myself into a conclusive answer because, in this world, there’s so much we cannot control that going into conclusion will only slow our progress. Conclusions leave us stuck and rigid. To live an intuitive life, you want flow and adaptability.

So instead of asking, “what is my partner like?” I’ll ask, “What are the qualities in a person that will best support the love I desire?”

Having open-ended questions leads us to more profound answers and keeps us in a state of flow.

With all this said, I made a quick list of everything that I would NEVER ask the Tarot:

· When will I die?

· When will I get married?

· Does this person hate me?

· Will this person change?

· How many kids will I have?

· Does he/she love me?

· Will I win the lottery?

Tarot just doesn’t work when it comes to these questions. If you have a question like this pressing on you, ask why having an answer is so important. (Hint: if you’re asking questions like this, what are you so impatient about?)

Asking questions is vital beyond tarot readings too. I try to keep my energy in a vibration of curiosity and exploration as I find that’s the best way to navigate this life with ease.

It takes a bit of practice to ask your Tarot cards open-ended questions, especially if you’re used to asking more direct ones. But, trust me when I say that my experience with Tarot got immensely more powerful and sacred when I started asking open-ended questions.

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Breyanna Wilson

Have you ever felt that you had to figure out life yourself? We’re meant to traverse life together. Find my thoughts, tarot tips and more here.